In this blog post, we will explore how to enhance application security using cdk_nag with AWS CDK. Learn how to identify and address security issues in your CDK application to ensure a secure deployment.
This blog post gives an overview of how to connect an AWS Lambda function to an RDS instance to perform database operations. We will explore how to connect Lambda to RDS over the Internet or VPC, and how to make RDS publicly accessible.
AWS Aurora Serverless is a fully managed, auto-scaling configuration of Aurora that automatically starts up, shuts down, and scales the compute resources based on your application's needs. In this article, we will learn how to create an Aurora Serverless V2 with AWS CDK.
A signed URL includes additional information, for example, an expiration date and time, that gives you more control over access to your content. This additional information appears in a policy statement, which is based on either a canned policy or a custom policy.
AWS Backup is a service that provides backup and restore of your AWS resources. This is an example of how to use the AWS Backup API to assign resources to a backup plan.
You can authenticate and protect your Amazon OpenSearch Service default installation of OpenSearch Dashboards using Amazon Cognito. This article will show you how to do this using the AWS CDK.
AWS CloudFormation templates can contain parameters—custom values that are supplied at deployment time and incorporated into the template. Since the AWS CDK synthesizes AWS CloudFormation templates, it too offers support for deployment-time parameters. Using the AWS CDK, you can both define parameters, which can then be used in the properties of constructs you create, and you can also deploy stacks containing parameters.
AWS Lambda now supports event filtering for Amazon DynamoDB. But AWS CDK is not yet able to support this. In this article, I will show how to do this in CDK.
The automatic references created by CDK when you use resources across stacks are convenient but may block your deployments if you want to remove the resources that are referenced in this way. This blog will explain how to remove cross-stack references
A Lambda proxy integration enables you to integrate an API route with a Lambda function. When a client calls your API, API Gateway sends the request to the Lambda function and returns the function's response to the client. Today, I will show you how to create a Lambda proxy integration for an HTTP API in AWS CDK.
Because Node.js doesn't run TypeScript code natively, you must first transpile your TypeScript code into JavaScript. Then, use the JavaScript files to deploy your function code to Lambda. But now you can write a lambda typescript with the NodejsFunction construct without transpile your code first.
You can use CloudFront to automatically compress certain types of objects (files) and serve the compressed objects when viewers (web browsers or other clients) support them. Today I will show how to do it in AWS CDK.